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Subscription Benefits for Recruiters

The World Job Bank is the most cost-effective job board in the industry and our subscribers claim the lowest cost-per-placement compared to other job boards.

The Wold Job Bank, with over 30,000 candidates, was created exclusively for YOU, as a resource to enhance your business.

We invest significantly with job aggregators to sponsor your World Job Bank jobs to increase your jobs' visibility.

Not a member? Join NAPR or NALTO, to be eligible to subscribe to the World Job Bank.

Your World Job Bank Subscription rate is based upon your organization’s total number of healthcare recruiters and researchers.

Annual Rates
  1-5 Recruiters or under $10 million $1,500 Subscribe Now
  6-15 Recruiters or $10-$30 million $2,500 Subscribe Now
  16-50 Recruiters or $30-$50 million $3,500 Subscribe Now
  51+ Recruiters or over $50 million $4,500 Subscribe Now

World Job Bank subscription fees are non-refundable.